Saturday, March 20, 2010

Roe-Era Snake Oil: Democrats Sell Abortion as "Preventive Health Care"

Late last year, Sen. Barbara Mikulski of Maryland, among the most strident and unabashed leaders of America's culture of death, claimed that abortion is "preventive health care." When I read her remark, this cartoon popped instantly to mind.

In Mikulski's dark and twisted world, abortion is a panacea not just for children, but for parents. No more burdensome daycare costs, monotonous soccer matches, cacophonous piano recitals, gratuitous orthodontist bills, skyrocketing tuition payments. And thanks to the Democrat majority in the US Senate, Mikulski's diabolic definition of preventive medicine is included in their health care bill, giving lackeys like anti-life Health & Human Services boss Kathleen Sebelius the power to send billions to "community health centers" like Planned Parenthood.

In the long run, this means fewer and fewer taxpayers and ever deeper cuts in entitlements like Social Security and the Democrats' health care travesty. But therein lies the lynchpin of socialized medicine. If ObamaCare becomes law, it should come as no surprise to aging voters that there exists a post-natal analogue of abortion. And whether it's called palliative care, cost containment, death with dignity or some other innocuous term, many will find that euthanasia is their reward for having supported America's party of death.

What goes around does, indeed, come around.

Obamacare Gives $11 Billion to Fund Abortion

 Right to Life of Central California Executive Director Jonathan Keller explains how the current health care "reform" legislation pending before Congress provides $11 billion in new funding for "community health groups" like Planned Parenthood to perform abortions.

Prayer to stop the 'healthcare' legislation

Father, In Jesus' Most Holy and Precious Name, we humbly ask that You step in and intervene at this most critical juncture in our nation's history.

Father, it was YOU who gave our Founding Fathers the wisdom and guidance to assert that our nation would be one nation under GOD, with liberty and justice for all. Our nation's founding documents state that it is from YOU that we receive the inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness NOT our federal government.

Father, please stop this 'healthcare' legislation dead in its tracks.
Please frustrate the plotting of the shrewd who seek to alter our
nation into a socialist democracy so that their hands cannot perform
their enterprise or attain success. (Job 5:12-13).

Expose to the light of day the plans of the crafty.
Allow confusion and chaos to reign in their meetings this weekend
and into next week so that no path to reconciliation may be achieved.
Please allow division and rivalry to thwart the plans of those who seek
to override the will of the citizens of the United States so that this entire endeavor fails in utter futility.

Please awaken our citizenry to what is at stake.
Father, we also humbly ask that you will bring good out of this
terrible situation. Please graciously use this whole experience to
draw people to Yourself. In Jesus' name we pray for revival to spread
across our land and to heal our nation so that we once again seek our
liberty from You and not from a government of men.

Thank you for graciously hearing our prayers on behalf of our nation
and our fellow citizens.

In Jesus' Most Holy and Powerful Name We Pray. Amen.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.