Catholics Against Obama Care is calling Catholics as well as those of other denominations to participate in a day of prayer and fasting on Friday, September 11, 2009, for the special intention that Obama health care reform be defeated.
Catholics Against Obama Care acknowledges that the Catholic Church has always advocated health care reform; but Obamacare, as delineated in the HR-3200 Bill, is not health care -- it is death care. Mandated abortion, health care rationing, and euthanasia are not health care. Obamacare is government control over people's lives and, as Jon Voight points out the removal of a person's free will. Voight said in an interview on Fox News with Mike Huckabee, "They're taking away God's first gift to man -- our free will and no man no matter what his title, even if he's president of the United States, has the consent of God to decide he's God."
Hearing God's will in a busy brain....
1 month ago