Wednesday, March 17, 2010

An Urgent Message Regarding Health Care

This morning I received this email from our local Bishops:

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

After several concerted attempts by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops to persuade the leadership of Congress to exclude federal funding for elective abortions as part of the health care reform bill, we have received word that these leaders have formally rejected our moral position and will attempt to push the Senate version of the bill through Congress in the coming days. 

This is a grave disappointment and we come to you in union with all the Catholic bishops of the United States asking you to contact your legislators to oppose this funding.
There have been some misleading comments in the media about whether or not the Senate version of the bill allows federal funds to be expended for elective abortion.  We wish to make it clear that this version of the bill does fund elective abortions with federal tax dollars.  Please see an advisory that has appeared from the USCCB on this issue for verification:

We ask you to contact your two Senators and your Congressional Representative as soon as possible to express your opposition to federal tax dollars being used to fund elective abortions as part of health care reform.  You will find information on how to contact your legislators by going to: This website provides you with a way to contact your legislators by e-mail or phone.  It also provides you with a sample message you may use.

Time is of the essence.  Votes in the Senate and House are expected at any time. 

We are grateful for your efforts and prayers.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Most Reverend Michael F. Burbidge      
Bishop of Raleigh                                   

Most Reverend Peter J. Jugis

Bishop of Charlotte



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