Monday, October 5, 2009

Catholic Bishops: All Current Health Care Bills in Congress Would Permit Federal Funding of Abortion

The health care bills currently under consideration in the House and Senate do not bar federal funds from being used to pay for abortion, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) explains in a Sept. 30 letter sent to members of the Senate.

“So far, the health reform bills considered in committee, including the new Senate Finance Committee bill, have not met President Obama’s challenge of barring use of federal dollars for abortion and maintaining current conscience laws,” states the letter. “These deficiencies must be corrected.”

story here

Divine Mercy Care

Divine Mercy Care It sounds trustworthy, doesn't it? IT IS.
This is what Catholics need to do to overcome the compromised nature of Catholic Health Association who has incorporated with so many secular interests, that it is no longer truly Catholic. That's why CHAUSA CEO Sr Carol Keehan doesn't understand our problem with Obamacare, as seen on this show on The World Over, the frog is in the pot and can't feel that the water is boiling already.
We need to start fresh with committed medical professionals like those at Tepeyac Center whose director says,
"This is the way to true renewal in health care -- not handing it over to the government to administer," Bruchalski explained. "Government programs are not the way to go; they will remove the doctor from the patient and threaten personal liberty." He insists that the community is the best place to provide medical care, where "judgment stays in the hands of patients and doctors."

Read the entire story at Inside Catholic.

Health care reform: Privately, Barack Obama strongly backs public option

Despite months of seeming ambivalence about creating a government health insurance plan, the Obama White House has launched an intensifying behind-the-scenes campaign to get divided Senate Democrats to take up some version of the idea in the weeks just ahead.

President Barack Obama has long advocated a so-called public option, while at the same time repeatedly expressing openness to other ways to offer consumers a potentially more affordable alternative to health plans sold by private insurers.

But now, senior administration officials are holding private meetings almost daily at the Capitol with senior Democratic staff to discuss ways to include a version of the public plan in the health care bill that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., plans to bring to the Senate floor later this month, according to senior Democratic congressional aides.

story here