Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Open Letter to Catholics and Catholic Organizations on Health Care Reform from Catholic Medical Association

The Catholic Medical Association has just released a letter on health care reform.You can read the complete text here.

The Truth About Health Care Bills

The following was written by Michael Connelly, a retired attorney. "...is now a teacher, published author, and freelance writer. As a former Military Intelligence officer in the U.S. Army he is an avid student of American history including all aspects of military history."
Well, I have done it! I have read the entire text of proposed House Bill 3200: The Affordable Health Care Choices Act of 2009. I studied it with particular emphasis from my area of expertise, constitutional law. I was frankly concerned that parts of the proposed law that were being discussed might be unconstitutional. What I found was far worse than what I had heard or expected.
Read the rest here

Read more about the proposed Obama Health Reform over at Michael Connelly's blog

Niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. wants abortion taken out of health care reform bill

DENVILLE, NJ (September 20, 2009) - On September 18, 2009, Alveda King, the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., spoke on behalf of the pro-life movement at Saint Cecilia's Church, located in Rockaway, NJ. Congressman Chris Smith (R-4th District) of New Jersey, joined Dr. Alveda King in championing the cause for life at the Catholic church with a presentation that included video of the civil rights era and made a comparison to the civil rights of the unborn.

Dr. Alveda King is advocating to prevent abortion from being included in health care reform on a federal level. Dr. Alveda King is also a Pastoral Associate of Priests for Life and Coordinator of the African-American Outreach.

Dr. Alveda King said, “We are living in turbulent times, but in the midst of these times, there is always hope and promise.” Dr. King is encouraged in helping to make a difference with her cause in support of civil rights for the unborn. She believes in working to achieve bipartisan support on the issue.

Prayer to End Abortion

Lord God, I thank you today for the gift of my life,

And for the lives of all my brothers and sisters.

I know there is nothing that destroys more life than abortion,

Yet I rejoice that you have conquered death by the Resurrection of Your Son.

I am ready to do my part in ending abortion.

Today I commit myself

Never to be silent,

Never to be passive,

Never to be forgetful of the unborn.

I commit myself to be active in the pro-life movement,

And never to stop defending life

Until all my brothers and sisters are protected,

And our nation once again becomes

A nation with liberty and justice

Not just for some, but for all,

Through Christ our Lord.


Prayer by Father Frank Pavone
National Director, Priests for Life

Another Bishop rejects Obamacare

“May all those engaged in this issue craft a plan that provides universal health care that is affordable to all, distributes costs equitably, and above all, safeguards human life from conception to natural death and the freedom of conscience.”

~ Bishop James V. Johnston of Springfield-Cape Girardeau, Missouri, writing on health care reform

Read the full story Health care reform must recognize dignity of every person, Missouri bishop says at CNA.