Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Fr. Pavone on President Obama’s Promise Not to Fund Abortion in “My Plan"

Staten Island, NY - Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, responded today to President Obama’s statement to Congressman Bart Stupak (D-MI) that when he said in his September speech to Congress that “our plan” would not use federal dollars to fund abortion, he was not referring to any of the bills pending in Congress.

“Every time the President has spoken of not wanting to fund abortion in ‘his’ health care plan, no one has really known what measure he was talking about,” said Fr. Pavone. “Now we know from his conversation with Congressman Stupak that the President’s ‘plan’ has never seen the light of day. Or maybe, to paraphrase former President Bill Clinton, it depends on what the word ‘plan’ means.”

Does the deception never cease?

1,000,000 letters. 1 message. President Obama: "I do not want government-run 'healthcare'...

I received the following email:
Dear Hawaii Mom,
I wanted to let you know about a new and unique effort I am involved with that gives people the opportunity to voice their opposition to government-run "healthcare." Information about the 1,000,000 LETTERS TO PRESIDENT OBAMA campaign is available at Saint Catherine of Seina Company
I hope you will participate in and promote this effort.
Patrick Benedict
Saint Catherine Of Siena Company

Showdown: Democrat Rep. Stupak Locked in Dead Heat with House Leadership over Pro-Life Health Amendment

As House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (CINO) aims to seal the abortion-expanding health care bill in an early November vote, pro-life lawmakers, led by Democratic Rep. Bart Stupak of Michigan, are locked in a dead heat race for votes with Democratic leadership. According to Stupak, the Democratic leadership intends to keep a stranglehold on any pro-life amendment effort, which they acknowledge would likely otherwise succeed.

In an interview with LifeSiteNews.com (LSN) today, Rep. Stupak said that he is counting on about 40 fellow Democrats to "take down the rule" - or kill the bill on a procedural vote - if House leadership refuses to allow a floor vote on an amendment that would prevent federal funding of abortion. The procedural "rule" vote would draft rules for debating the bill on the floor, and needs to be passed before the bill can move forward to a floor vote.

With the 40 Democrats, Stupak's vote-gathering efforts tally up to 220, counting the whole GOP - approximately two votes over the absolute minimum needed to succeed.

cross-posted from A Catholic View

Senate Bill Will Include 'Public Option' Opt Out

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Monday that Senate Democrats will include in the health care reform bill a government-backed health insurance program that allows states to opt out if they can come up with an alternative.

"I think it's the fairest way to go," Reid said of the "opt out" proposal.

The "opt out" proposal would set up a national insurance plan with government seed money and be run by a private, not-for-profit board. Under the proposal, states would have to prove they can provide comparable coverage in order to exit out of the federal plan. The plan would also negotiate rates with providers just like private insurance companies do, presumably keeping premiums on a level playing field with the private industry.

The measure is one of a host of different so-called public options being considered in the Senate. Though the public option seemed off the table in the chamber just one month ago, it gained traction in recent weeks as Democratic leaders floated versions meant to be more appealing to party moderates.

story here