In her effort to ram government-run healthcare through the House before anyone has a chance to know what's in it, CINO Pelosi and the Dems narrowly passed ObamaCare in a stealth Saturday night vote.
The health care bill in Congress received its first favorable vote in a chamber of Congress on virtually a very narrow vote Saturday night. Passage of the legislation came after lawmakers voted for the Stupak amendment to remove abortion funding from the legislation. (the silver lining in this cloud).
The House voted 220 to 215 with 39 Democrats joining 176 republicans to oppose it and 219 Democrats and one Republican in favor.
Although the Stupak amendment removes the abortion funding under the public option and affordability credits, not all of the pro-life concerns are resolved with the bill.
The measure appears to contain strong conscience protection regarding abortion for medical professionals; however, "Section 304(d) protects abortion practitioners from “discrimination” by pro-life insurance plans who want to participate in the exchange, but do not want to contract with abortionists," says Americans United for Life.
story here
cross-posted from A Catholic View
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