Casey calls himself "pro-life", but he not only endorsed the most pro-abort president in history, but he campaigned for him and delivered a speech for him at the convention last year. So I'll believe this when I see it :)
As one of just two Democrats in the Senate who call themselves pro-life, Bob Casey of Pennsylvania is in a position to become the leader within his party on efforts to remove abortion funding from the health care bill. On Tuesday, Casey said he would do just that.
Casey confirmed he will work to try to remove the massive abortion funding in the bill that comes through the insurance plans offered in the proposed health insurance exchange via the public option and affordability credits.
The House bill includes an amendment by Rep. Bart Stupak that removed the abortion funding and Casey told Congressional Quarterly he will push for something similar, but would not say he would oppose the Senate health care bill if abortion funding remains.
Casey said there is "work to be done" on the issue of abortion funding, adding, There's an obvious difference on where the House came down and where the Senate is."
story here
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