Senator Ben Nelson and a bipartisan group of lawmakers have officially filed the amendment to the Senate's government-run health care bill to remove the abortion funding from it. The Nelson amendment would also limit the effect of the Milulski amendment that could allow insurance mandates for abortion.
Nelson, a Nebraska Democrat, and Sen. Orrin Hatch, a Utah Republican, are leading the amendment effort.
A bipartisan group of senators have joined them by adding their names to the amendment, including Sen. Bob Casey, a Pennsylvania Democrat, and Republican Sens. Sam Brownback of Kansas, John Thune of South Dakota, Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, Mike Johanns of Nebraska, Vitter of Louisiana, and Mike Enzi and John Barrasso of Wyoming.
“As written, the Senate health care bill allows taxpayer dollars, directly and indirectly, to pay for insurance plans that cover abortion. Most Nebraskans, and Americans, do not favor using public funds to cover abortion and as a result this bill shouldn’t open the door to do so,” said Senator Nelson.
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