Some fascinating and useful information noted by The Catholic Key Blog:
1. Kevin Lofton, CEO of Catholic Health Initiatives, the hospital conglomerate that chairs Catholic Health Association is a regular contributor to Rep. Diana Degette, co-chair of the Congressional Pro-Choice Caucus. (He praises Barack Obama and HHS Secretary Kathleen (late-term abortionist"Tiller" buddy) Sebelius in this video.)
2. Catholic Health Association's chief public policy advocate, Michael Rodgers, repeatedly gives campaign money to pro-abort extremist Rep. Judy Feder.
3. Catholic Health Association has advocated aborting children with anencephaly.
4. The Leadership Conference of Women Religious has never taken a position on legalized abortion and has never supported pro-life efforts. The only abortion reference on their website, which takes positions on numerous issues, is to support a sister who signed a pro-abortion newspaper ad.
5. NETWORK Lobby has never taken a position on legalized abortion and has never supported pro-life efforts. After a career of studiously ignoring the slaughter of 40+ million innocents, NETWORK head Sister Simone Campbell claims to be more knowledgeable and committed on the subject than the U.S. Bishops and their pro-life support staff.
Hearing God's will in a busy brain....
2 months ago